Map & Directions

Arrival directions from Cozumel airport

If you are arriving directly at the international airport of Cozumel, you have two options to come to Mi Casa en Cozumel.One is to take the airport vans that are located on the street just outside from the arrival area, the ticket office is still inside the building, to the right of the doors that take you out to the street. You have to ask for a ticket to downtown (centro), and then head to the street and ask any driver of the vans which van goes to downtown, then tell your driver our hotel name and address: 5 av. Sur # 707 between (entre) 7 and 9 streets (calles).

The other option is to rent a car at the airport (if you want we will be happy to book it for you and we will confirm the date of your arrival that it is ready for you at the airport). If you rent a car, the easiest way is to come out of the airport loop by taking the airport road to your right (west, to the ocean) until you reach the main street (waterfront), then take left and after 6 blocks you will find on your right the pier for ferries to Playa del Carmen and on your left the main plaza in town. You can continue on this street as dots marked on map above.

In any of both options, after you clear customs and before you go out of the airport building, you will find some guys on a uniform that says tourist advisory, this is people trying to sell time share and their company name is “tourist advisory” and therefore they have gotten away with this uniform. We feel this is not an honest approach to tourists and we suggest you, not to pay attention to them and continue as we explained above.

Arrival directions from Cancún airport

If you are flying to the international airport of Cancun, you will have to get transportation from the airport to the town of Playa del Carmen (about one hour ride). There are airport taxis and also a bus service from the airport to the bus station in Playa del Carmen (very close to the ferry pier).

Once in Playa del Carmen, you will have to take the ferry to Cozumel that takes 40 minutes (service starts at 6am until 10pm, at least every 2 hours) and then follow the directions marked with dots on the map above. You can also take a taxi from the ferry pier in Cozumel and tell your driver our hotel name and address: 5 av. Sur # 707 between (entre) 7 and 9 streets (calles).